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IKEA must stop deforestation in Romania's nature reserves!

Through Ingka Investments, the IKEA furniture group owns at least 51,000 hectares of forest in Romania (equivalent to an area of over 70,000 football fields). This includes old-growth forests, which should be protected as Natura 2000 sites according to binding EU directives. They harbour endangered species such as brown bears, wolves and lynxes. Nevertheless, IKEA is intensively logging in these forests, for example in the Penteleu protected area in central Romania. The Bruno Manser Fonds was able to see this for itself on site.

Help to stop the destruction of Europe's most valuable forests and sign our petition to IKEA. The logging in Romania's Natura 2000 sites and other high conservation value forests must stop now!

For the attention of Mr Jesper Brodin, President and CEO of Ingka Group, and Ms Jessica Anderen, CEO & CSO IKEA Switzerland

Dear Mr Brodin,

Dear Ms Anderen,

We are extremely worried about the way the INGKA Group's forests in Romania are managed.

We call on IKEA and the INGKA Group:

1. to stop all destructive logging in Natura 2000 protected areas and other high conservation value forests owned by the INGKA Group in Romania.

2. to better control the activities of its subcontractors and their forest management practices.

3. not to buy or trade any timber from Natura 2000 areas and other high conservation value forests in Romania.

Your donation helps us continue our fight for the protection of Europe's last primeval forests.

Thank you for your generous support!

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